Thought I'd do some smaller pieces for the 2 shows in August. I've been working away, experimenting some more with the traditional collage and paint backgrounds with laser overprints of digital collages. The first show is at the Granville Island Hotel during the island's "Made in B.C." weekend so I've used some local nature images. The "Blue Parrot Art Show and Sale runs Sunday and Monday, Autust 5 and 6, from 10 am to 5 pm both days. The Granville Island Hotel is located at 1252 Johnston Street on Granville Island in Vancouver. The second is a 2-man show in a private garden at 2836 West 19th Avenue in Vancouver on Sunday August 19th from 11 to 6. Again, I'm keep with the natural theme.
Backyard swordfern
Mediterranean shell and starfishThe more quick sale items will include cards, both the ones with the magnet embellishment and the ones with the 1-inch button pins. For those into 1-inch buttons, I'll also have the Asian ones with the Japanese paper backgrounds with your choice of Chinese calligraphy characters, and the minimalist ones with the abstract backgrounds and 2-word sayings.