The past weekend was the 2nd annual ReVision show. Last year we had 17 artists, this year we had 27 plus more events throughout the weekend. Recycled materials used included paper advertising, safety glass, musical instruments, even bones. We had so much art that we spilled outside, where Ron's family of 10 ft "steel daisies" (made from spent fire extinguishers) were growing in the parking lot. Luci's screen is composed of corrugated cardboard painstakingly mosaiced.
Dale's pieces started as a suitcases. Launi's started as a fish float.

I used musical instrument parts to create small boxed assemblages, while Doug's 6 ft kinetic fountain used entire musical instruments.

Saturday events included performances by SWARM, a high energy percussion group that plays on their uniquely designed instruments made from recycled materials.
Sunday saw the presence of the Green Team and the making of altered books with RubyDog's Art House. Throughout the weekend, visitors could also make-and-take creations they made from our stash of recycled materials.