I have been given an Honest Scrap Award by Art For The Attic. I've never received a blog award. Thank you very much. I have learned that there are no rules to winning this award but that it is "bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog content or design is, in the giver's opinon, brilliant". So, even though there is no physical prize, the respect from a fellow blogger is prize enough.
When accepting this auspicious award, you're supposed to write a post bragging about this award, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim and link back to the said person so everyoe knows she/he is real.
You are to choose a minimum of seven blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Show the seven random names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with an Honest Scrap Award. There's no actual prize, but they can keep the niffty icon.
You are also to list ten honest things about yourself. Then pass it on.
So, here are the ten honest things about myself:
1) I am a Canadian who was born in Vancouver and chose to stay. Don't laugh this is rare. Ethnically, I appear Chinese so I'm the last person people think is a native.
2) My ethnic background is Chinese from my father's side, although he was born in Canada but moved to Shanghai when his parents died. My mother was Chinese and Scottish (but that's another story) who was born in Shanghai. Sadly, I've never visited Shanghai, but it's on my list of places to visit.
3) I am happily married and have been for 34 years to the same man. Again, don't laugh this is rare.
4) I have two grown up daughters. The older is a drummer/singer/songwriter, the younger is a singer/songwriter/actress. Yes, you are allowed to laugh at this one. Our house was the scene of many a rehearsal when they were in their teen years. And the term starving artist does apply to them.
5) I never new my grandparents. Both sets died long before I was born. So if and when I have grandchildren, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do.
6) My favourite TV show is CSI - Las Vegas, Miami and New York. I am addicted to watching at night after hubby has gone to sleep, whilst nibbling on chips with dip.
7) My all time favourite book is Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I heard he has a new book out that is quite similar. I'm thinking of reading it too.
8) My favourite art tools are my computer and digital camera. As a digital collage artist, my pallet is made up of images and my canvas is my computer screen.
9) Two favourite places I have visited are Barcelona, Spain and Santorini, Greece. Although, I'd have to say I still prefer to live here in Vancouver.
10) I never knew that winning an award could lead to so much soul searching.
Here are some of the blogs I'd like to offer this award to:
1) Ikea Goddess - this German lady posts daily digital scrapbooking freebies she finds throughout the net (not a small task).
2) My Piano, Contemporary Piano Sheet Music - Desira has amassed tons of piano sheet music she has found on the net.
3) Assemblage of Michael Demang - an assemblage artist extraordinaire. I love the way this man thinks.
4) Stuffsmith, the Found Objects Artworks of Keith Lo Bue - another assemblage artist from Australia. I can't get enough of this man's work.
5) BibliOdyssey - if you are into old book illustration, this is for you.
6) Mailmania - Dale posts every piece of mailart he receives and annually exhibits them at a gala extraordinaire in Victoria, Canada.
7) Craftside - great daily review of art/craft books. In addition, viewers who leave comments are entered into a draw for a art/craft book prize. I've even won once.
So without any applause, I've dutifully fulfilled my Honest Scrap Award obligations and am handing over the icon for others who hopefully will accept the award and all its responsibilities.
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